Kuala Lumpur 2019, part 3

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
I had hoped to get all these posts out so I could catch you up on recent life events, but of course I just had to procrastinate by changing my blog's layout yet again 😬 But nevertheless, here's the last of my KL 2019 photodiaries!

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Day 5, December 23rd.
Since we were mostly free to roam on this day, I thought we could try walking around Jalan Petaling (Chinatown). I was super excited this day because I was expecting to eat a lot of good food. Sadly I was a bit disappointed—lots of people selling merchandise, mostly stuff that you would see in Divisoria, but very few food stalls.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
While walking around we saw this uncle selling apam balik or peanut pancakes. Aian and I had seen him on someone's vlog about KL food, so of course we had to try for ourselves!

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
So yummy! If you like the crunchy peanut butter texture, definitely give Uncle Loh's apam balik a try. Only RM1.80 (~₱24) a piece, too!

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
One of the yummiest things I tasted in KL, I'm not even kidding!! This soya milk from Kim Soya Bean was sooo good. I love soy milk but I don't think I've ever tasted the authentic soya bean milk taste before this. The flavor was rich, with a natural sweet taste. Super refreshing especially since I was thirsty from walking so much. I really regret not trying their tau fu fa (aka taho lol) but it was so hot on that day.....

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
The original plan was to find this one claypot chicken rice shop I saw on TV, but for some reason we couldn't find it ?? Oh well.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Instead we ended up at this restaurant we found while walking towards Central Market. We passed by several restaurants but I chose this one based on vibes LOL. Also there seemed to be a lot of locals so I just knew the food was good! I did a quick Google image search and found that the name of the place is Kedai Kopi Lai Foong. It's a restaurant with several hawker food stalls inside. We went with chicken rice, obviously, but their other noodle and soup dishes looked really good, too!

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co Dropped by Central Market really quick to buy chocolates for the fam, so of course Aian had to visit his fishy friends~

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Later in the evening we met up with our friend Neesa for our yearly catch-up hangout! It's been so long that I absolutely cannot remember where we went LOL but I had fun as always ♡

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
One last look at KL Tower before turning in for the night 🌙

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Day 6, December 24th.
We usually reserve the last day in KL for buying souvenirs, but we forgot that Stickerrific was closed on Mondays 😅 We decided to visit the next day instead.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
One of the reasons I wanted to visit Stickerrific no matter what: Luke, Leia, Chewie, and Han (@lukeleiachewiehan)

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
And the main reason: lots and lots of pretty stationery. I think I spent almost 2 hours carefully looking at everything and deciding what to buy....

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Said goodbye to a napping Leia before we left

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Small Stickerrific haul! More than half of it is Thupergroup pasabuys though hehe. I mostly bought washi tapes this time. Was tempted to buy another TN but I didn't have much money left after ~6 days in KL 🥲

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
The very last meal is Nando's, obviously.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Just one quick (half) fit check before heading back to the Airbnb.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
Packed all our stuff, tidied the Airbnb, and checked out—all in less than an hour.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 photodiary | chainyan.co
And then it was goodbye for now, KL 👋🏻

Storytime: the real reason why I didn't immediately post these photos is because this trip actually ended on a not-so-happy note. I don't think I've ever talked about this before. Our flight home was on the 24th, so I thought we'd be home by Christmas Eve. We'd done this so many times before, after all. But on that day the traffic to KLIA was so bad. I kept checking the time on the way over. By the time we arrived, we only had less than an hour left. "Check-ins closed," they said, and that they couldn't let us in anymore. For the first time in our lives, we actually got left behind by our plane. No refunds, so we have to book another flight. Okay. I try to keep my cool and we go to check all available flights to Manila—everything was super expensive because it was Christmas Eve. Cue mental breakdown. I don't even remember what happened next, but it took a lot of browsing available flights, calling friends and asking for financial help, and trying not to cry. We eventually booked another flight home, but Aian and I were quiet the whole flight home LOL. Lesson learned, yes, but I wish the lesson didn't cost us ~₱40,000 🫠

It's been almost 5 years since then, and I miss KL so dearly. It's funny because even my mom sometimes asks why Aian and I don't go to KL anymore. The main reason has always been money LOL. Other than that, it's because we don't think Miu's ready to fly out yet. Maybe when she's around 2 or 3 years old, we'll think about it~