Kuala Lumpur 2019, part 1

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
It's been a while since I posted anything other than product reviews, huh? I'll be back with a life update soon, but in the meantime, I wanted to share these photos from our Kuala Lumpur trip from 2019. I was going through my files when I realized I hadn't shared these yet—can you believe 2019 was 5 years ago?? Crazy.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
December 19. We flew out from Manila in the morning and arrived in Kuala Lumpur at around lunchtime. The reason why we decided to take a morning flight was so we could check into our Airbnb early and go around KL for a bit, but we ended up taking forever going through immigration so it kind of defeated the purpose..

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
After claiming our luggage, exchanging our money, and buying local sim cards, we finally got to have (super late) lunch at Burger King. This was our yearly routine—our first meal in KL is always the chicken burgers at BK. Then after buying stuff like water and some toiletries, we left for our Airbnb.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Usually after checking in we would just stay in for the rest of the evening, but this time Aian was invited over to Comic Fiesta HQ, so we just dropped off our stuff then headed out.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Was feeling a little Clingy (SSR).

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Got a little lost on the way, but we eventually made it to CF HQ. There we met this cute kitty named Oyster—look at the little socks!

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
It started raining as we were leaving CF HQ, so we had a hard time booking a ride back to our Airbnb because apparently not a lot of Grab drivers pass by the area. We ended up walking (!!!) to a nearby mall to have dinner. Paradigm Mall, if I remember correctly. We had my beloved chicken rice—the first of many I had on this trip.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Then it was back to our Airbnb. I took a shower and collapsed on the bed. I remember watching a movie—was it Miss Peregrine's?—and then drifting off to sleep. It was A Long Day.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
December 20. I wanted to sleep in until the afternoon, but Aian thought it would be best if we did our usual shopping at Suria on this day, since we wouldn't be able to once Comic Fiesta begins. Suria always gets super crowded during CF weekends, plus we didn't want to fight for rare artbooks with the con-goers, lol.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Aian having his morning coffee.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Onigiri for breakfast right before leaving.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
First selfie of the trip!

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Ok cute but. Why did I do my makeup like this............I was so sold on the idea that I was an Autumn type back then, lol. I know better now!

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Suria foodcourt BBQ chicken rice, my beloved.....

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Shopping at Sephora ❎ Shopping at Watsons ✅

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Sooo many Snoopy stuff lol. Too bad the Miffy / Sonny Angel / Popmart boom hadn't happened during this time yet.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
The only magazine with IZ*ONE I found at Kino (I bought it ofc).

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Wanted to get Sakura's Kangol backpack but I didn't want to buy another black bag..

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
The main reason we wanted to go to Kinokuniya—to see the window with Aian's work!

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Aian did the character designs and main artwork for Comic Fiesta 2019. Seeing his work blown up and on display in the window of Kinokuniya was surreal. Easily top 10 best anime moments material.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
The art vs the artist.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
When we first visited KL in 2013 and stepped inside Kinokuniya for the first time, neither of us would've predicted this happening. Seeing it posted on Kinokuniya's SNS was one thing, but seeing it up close, and seeing Aian's face as looked at his work in the window display....my heart grew 10 sizes that day 💗 Beyond proud.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
After we finished hoarding books shopping, we went back to the Airbnb to drop off our stuff (our Airbnb is just 10 minutes away), then back to KLCC for early ingress.

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
It's my first time seeing the event area so empty..I knew KLCC was huge, but I was so amazed seeing this. This was just the Basic Booths area!

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Aian had a Premium Booth this time. It was our first time getting a Premium Booth so we didn't know how to decorate LOL. We stuck some of Aian's prints on the wall but it still felt empty. (Our booth decorating skills have greatly improved since!)

Kuala Lumpur 2019 | chainyan.co
Finished setting up and then went to get dinner. I don't remember where we went to have dinner anymore. All I remember is taking a photo of this view of the Twin Towers from KLCC Park before leaving. I guess it's because we've been here so many times, but to me this view feels like a dear old friend.

Looking at these photos made me miss KL so much. Sadly I don't think we'll be going back anytime soon, as we're not quite ready to fly out with a toddler yet..Hopefully when Miu's a bit bigger we can visit again, this time as three!

I'll put up part 2 and 3 soon!