Kuala Lumpur 2013, day 2

Day two in KL started quite early.. at least much earlier than my days in Manila. I woke up at 9 and took a shower, then Aian and I got ready for Comic Fiesta, the biggest and most-anticipated ACG event in Malaysia. With high-profile guests such as redjuice, VOFAN, stayxxxx, Yuegene, etc.. It's no wonder that even non-Malaysians such as Aian and myself would travel all the way to KL just to attend! Because it was my first ever convention outside of the Philippines, I felt like I was going to my first ever con! It was 2007 all over again for me, haha! Since not a lot of people from the PH knew about Comic Fiesta, I made sure I took a lot of photos for everyone to see! Enjoy! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Getting ready! (Now you know what I use for my makeup, heh.)

Quick photo before leaving! Photo from my phone cos I forgot to take one using the camera ;;

To get to the venue, we had to walk to the LRT station (a two-minute walk away), ride the train to KLCC, then walk to the Convention Center. It was pretty easy! We felt a bit lost a couple of times, but all we had to do was ask the cosplayers / anyone who looked like they were going to the event for directions and such, lol. The con-goers we talked to were all very nice and helpful, too. I think it was because there were a lot of people who came to Malaysia just for the event. We eventually got to the venue, and because we were able to get early bird passes (c/o Mie), we didn't have to line up or anything! We just went straight through the entrance, then into the event hall.

First thing we saw was this huge display of Comic Fiesta artwork. These were all the artwork submitted for Comic Fiesta's 100-Day Countdown.

Near the entrance, there was a LoL tournament thing going on. Made me think of Leny, haha!

Saw this booth selling amaaazing steampunk things! Aian wanted to buy the mask but it was a bit expensive considering our budget ; A ;

First booth we bought from was asuka111's! No photos of him because I was a bit shocked to learn that he was actually a guy lol ;;

Look at all these pretty dorries * ^ * There were lots of booths selling BJD things like headdresses and accessories, but this one was my favorite out of all of them.
I forgot to get the booth name though, since I was too focused on the good-looking one with the eye patch orz ;;;

Toonikun's booth! Didn't get anything cos all of the prints being sold were too huge for our bag ;;

Pretty pretty art by liricamore! We bought one of each postcard, I think!

After going around the artist booths once, we headed straight to the panel room for Creative Factor. Since we knew that redjuice was first on the list of speakers, I figured that we should go early since I knew a looot of people were going for his live demo. No pictures during this time, as they weren't allowed. The talk was really informative! Even though I wasn't an illustrator, I learned a lot just by listening. Aian got to ask redjuice a question during the session, too. And redjuice was actually quite funny! And the translator was quite smart with her translating and such. The session was about an hour and a half (or was it two hours?) long, but I felt like it wasn't enough. I really enjoyed it, heh. After this was VOFAN's live demo, but there was a looong line outside when we got out of the room, so I lined up while Aian got us sandwiches. VOFAN's talk was also very informative, but we had to leave in the middle of it because I was soooooo sleepy. The translator wasn't doing a very good job.. only the factual parts were being translated and some parts were being left out. We knew because VOFAN was making some jokes and such to lighten the mood, but as he was speaking in Chinese only the people who could understand Chinese were laughing.. which was quite unfair because there were a lot of people who came from different countries (I could tell from their accent when speaking in English) just to attend his panel.. including us! Hopefully next time the translators would be a bit more considerate regarding this u w u );; As I wasn't an official blogger, I wasn't allowed to take any photos, but you can read the panels coverage by one of CF's official bloggers here.

Took a photo before leaving the panel room. Look at that crowd!

After the session, we went straight to kidchan's booth! SO MUCH PRETTY ART. We bought a tooon of stuff from her booth! Everything was JUST. SO. PRETTY.

PHOTO WITH KIDCHAN BECAUSE!! It was so nice finally meeting herrr after stalking her on deviantART for so long. SHE WAS SO NICE TOO ;;; w ;;;

CUTE BOOTH WITH CUTE GIRLS SELLING CUTE THINGS *squee* Everything made me think of Camille! You can check out their shop here!

More pretty art by Lim Sera!

Aaand photo with the super-talented Kazeki! Bought a print of her Eren illustration for my friend Asu o w o )/

Cosplayers!!!! There were a looot of great cosplayers but I was too busy running around the artist booths that I forgot too take pics ;; (Also I was shy ehehehe /slapped) But I really liked the pair cosplays! Especially these ones, so I chased them for photos lolol. Hoozuki no Reitetsu and Usavich!! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

Cute dorrie cosplaying Jack Frost ehehe * u *

This was really cute! SnK cookies! The cookies were shaped like SnK characters. I thought the presentation was very well-done!

More pretty dorries! I really liked this booth, since was mori themed~ * u *

Spotted this suuuper awesome J-fashion pair. Shironuri and cybergoth! I wanted to take full-body photos but the crowd was BLARGH.

Ninja photo I took during VOFAN's signing ehehehehe. Photos weren't allowed but I just couldn't pass this up! We went all the way to KL for this, you know!!

Cute Nendos on display. I really wanted the face plate in the middle for my GUMI at home ehehehe /slapped

Aaand my very last photos from CF Day 1, photos of this amaaazing Kusuriuri (Medicine Seller) cosplayer! Mononoke is my number one favorite anime so I almost screamed when I saw this cos * A * Look at all that detail put into the costume!! And the makeup!! And everything!! Kusuriuri has come to liiife *dies*
Thank you, Kusuriuri-cosplayer-san Kee Huey Ying for making my CF Day 1 end on a very high note _(:3 」∠)_

After leaving KLCC, we took a train back to KL Sentral, then walked back to our hotel. I had to change out of my dress cos I didn't want to eat dinner looking like I was going to a funeral, especially since there were crows all over the place lol. (Speaking of which, WHY are there so many crows in KL?? I could hear crows cawing while I was in the shower!) For dinner, Aian thought we should explore a little bit and look for a different place to eat, so we did. We found another place that served Chinese food and we decided to eat there.

Noodles two ways for dinner! I really liked both, but I didn't catch the names because the lady who took our orders and suggested them talked too fast wtf. Kind of like the landlady from Kung Fu Hustle. But she was really nice and all of the stuff she suggested was sooo good.

After dinner I bought an egg tart as a snack, ehe. I like Lord Stow's more though.

Back at the hotel, since I was sooo full, all I could do was watch movies on the TV and look at all the pretty art we bought, while Aian wrote a message on the back of the postcard he was giving to redjuice (his meet-and-greet was on the next day).

Last but not least, all the pretty art I was talking about. What a massive haul * O *

Aaand that was day two in KL! The main purpose of our trip to Malaysia was to attend Comic Fiesta, so we made sure we didn't miss a single thing. We were there from 12PM to around 7PM, I think! We looked at all the artist booths, basic and premium. I think the only booth we didn't check out was Danny Choo's, but only because it was always so crowded ;; We were so tired by the time we left that we weren't able to visit Kinokuniya, which was in Suria, which was just a few feet away from the convention center. (We were able to visit the next day though!) My only regret for that day, I think, was not being able to meet Yuegene. I wanted to line up for her meet-and-greet but you need at least one item of hers that you want signed.. like photocards and such. They were only selling posters at CF, and I couldn't buy those because I wouldn't know how to bring them home to Manila.. so I decided to skip it. And she was cosplaying Suoh Mikoto, too! ;_____; I also regret not taking more cosplay photos ;; Overall though, Aian and I had a great time! Sooooo muuuuuuch fuuuuun. CF went above and beyond our expectations * A *

Sorry this got a bit rambly! So much stuff I wanted to talk about, lol! CF Day 2 is next! Thank you for reading~! ´ ▽ ` )ノ